Sitoo Insurance SPI

Sitoo Insurance SPI is a feature for selling bundled product insurance through the POS. Available insurances will be presented in the normal purchase flow of the POS, giving options for adding them to the current purchase together with taking payment for them. The purchased product insurances will be added as a receipt item for the purchase and also transferred to order items on the order object.

SPI (Service Provider Interface)

The SPI is the definition of the API required to use the service in Sitoo. Therefore, the external service needs to fully implement the API definition.


Authentication of the calls is optional for the server implementing it, but highly recommended. The authentication should be done using the HTTP basic authentication mechanism. Requests to the endpoint will be done over a secure connection, adding an Authorization header to the request. Example:

Authorization: Basic MTAwMjAtMTQwOmJ1TnhvT3gybzVrTTJKTWMzVmhCWDIwazRHaWs0cUtYeUtmZzMzMkE=)
Do not use the Sitoo API credentials for authenticating the call. The server implementing the SPI needs to have its own implementation for authentication.

Public Server

The URL used for the service needs to have public access with a valid SSL certificate.

Best Practices & Guidelines

Try to follow these best practices to achieve the goals of having this feature, at the same time as the POS user and customer will have a good experience of it.

Response Times

The service needs to be implemented to have response times held to a minimum (less than 1 second) since it will be part of the purchase flow for customers.

No Insurance Option

To be able to force the staff to select an option regarding insurance for the product instead of just skipping that step in the sales process, the none insurance option type is used. There should only be one option with type none among the insurance options.

Hard Bundling

Hard bundling is when the product sold requires the customer to also purchase some type of insurance for the product. That is solved by simply omitting the none type for the insurance options returned for a product.

Policyholder Info

The information to be gathered regarding the insurance policyholder is specified in the response object for the base call to the service. The different types of fields that can be collected include the following:

  • Name
  • Personal ID (SSN or similar)
  • Address
  • Mobile
  • Email
  • Comment

Insurance Order Item

Order items added for insurance will contain info about the insurance, the policyholder and the product that is being insured.


The following limitations exist for the service.

Product Quantity

The Insurance API will only be called for products with a quantity of exactly 1.