Cash Registers
Get Cash Registers
get /sites/{siteid}/cashregistersSet to true to include cash registers that have not been registered (without registerkey
The index of the item to start from
The number of items returned
{ "totalcount": 1, "items": [ { "registerid": "{3CCB9848-155A-49E1-7CA8-5F7F78FC3067}", "manufacturerid": "SITOO3CCB9848155A49E17CA85F7F78FC3067", "registerkey": "SII0000001500001", "company": "Sitoo", "companyid": "556677-8899", "address": "240 W Broadway", "address2": "", "zip": "10012", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "countryid": "us", "currencycode": "USD", "receiptlanguagetag": "en", "storesettingid": 1, "warehouseid": 1, "salestaxgroupid": null } ]}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns an envelope with items of type posregister. |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Get Cash Register
get /sites/{siteid}/cashregisters/{registerid}{ "registerid": "{3CCB9848-155A-49E1-7CA8-5F7F78FC3067}", "manufacturerid": "SITOO3CCB9848155A49E17CA85F7F78FC3067", "registerkey": "SII0000001500001", "company": "Sitoo", "companyid": "556677-8899", "address": "240 W Broadway", "address2": "", "zip": "10012", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "countryid": "us", "currencycode": "USD", "receiptlanguagetag": "en", "storesettingid": 1, "warehouseid": 1, "salestaxgroupid": null}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns an item of type posregister. |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Get Z-Reports
get /sites/{siteid}/cashregisters/{registerid}/zreportsUse the Z-Reports endpoints instead. Existing integrations using this endpoint will still be supported.
Filter on z-reports with datecreated starting from the timestamp provided
Filter on z-reports with datecreated ending before the timestamp provided
The index of the item to start from
The number of items returned
{ "totalcount": 2, "items": [ { "zreportid": 2, "registerid": "{3CCB9848-155A-49E1-7CA8-5F7F78FC3067}", "manufacturerid": "SITOO3CCB9848155A49E17CA85F7F78FC3067", "registerkey": "SII0000001500001", "registernumber": 1, "datecreated": 1587110959, "dateopened": 1587110444, "eshopid": 1, "store_id": "200", "store_name": "Sitoo Concept Store", "company": "Sitoo", "companyid": "556677-8899", "address": "240 W Broadway", "address2": "", "address3": "New York NY 10012", "currencycode": "USD", "staff": "Staff", "staffuserid": "{441A73D1-5DA7-685D-7E40-445D90C97E9B}", "comment": "", "moneysalestotal": "40463.75", "moneysalestotalnet": "32373.15", "numsales": 3, "numsalesitems": 7, "vatgroupssales": [ { "vatvalue": 6, "moneytotal": "14.98", "moneytotalnet": "14.13", "moneytotalvat": "0.85" }, { "vatvalue": 25, "moneytotal": "40448.77", "moneytotalnet": "32359.02", "moneytotalvat": "8089.75" } ], "productgroupssales": [ { "name": "Books", "vatvalue": 6, "numtotal": 1, "moneytotal": "14.98", "moneytotalnet": "14.13", "moneytotalvat": "0.85" }, { "name": "Common Goods", "vatvalue": 25, "numtotal": 6, "moneytotal": "40448.77", "moneytotalnet": "32359.02", "moneytotalvat": "8089.75" } ], "moneyrefundtotal": "0.00", "moneyrefundtotalnet": "0.00", "numrefund": 0, "numrefunditems": 0, "vatgroupsrefund": [], "productgroupsrefund": [], "moneyroundoff": "0.00", "salestaxessales": [], "salestaxesrefund": [], "moneysummarysales": "40463.75", "moneysummaryrefund": "0.00", "moneysummarysubtotal": "40463.75", "moneysummarysalestax": "0.00", "moneysummaryroundoff": "0.00", "moneysummarytotal": "40463.75", "paymentssales": [ { "name": "Cash", "moneytotal": "28673.75", "subpayments": [] }, { "name": "Gift Card", "moneytotal": "300.00", "subpayments": [] }, { "name": "Other", "moneytotal": "11490.00", "subpayments": [] } ], "paymentsrefund": [], "discountssales": [ { "vouchercode": "", "moneytotal": "20.00", "moneytotalnet": "16.00", "moneytotalvat": "4.00" }, { "vouchercode": "discount-manual", "moneytotal": "100.00", "moneytotalnet": "80.00", "moneytotalvat": "20.00" } ], "discountsrefund": [], "moneycash_in": "31214.11", "moneycash_salesrefunds": "28673.75", "moneycash_petty": "0.00", "moneycash_bank": "-10000.00", "moneycash_expected": "49887.86", "moneycash_counted": "49888.00", "moneycash_diff": "0.14", "moneycash_bankfinal": "0.00", "moneycash_out": "49888.00", "moneydiscount": "120.00", "numsalestypeproduct": 7, "numsalestypeservice": 0, "numsalestypegiftcard": 0, "numreceipts": 3, "numopendrawer": 3, "numpractice": 0, "moneypractice": "0.00", "moneygrandtotalsales": "71807.56", "moneygrandtotalrefund": "0.00", "moneygrandtotalnet": "71807.56" } ]}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns an envelope with items of type poszreport for a cash register. |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Get Z-Report
get /sites/{siteid}/cashregisters/{registerid}/zreports/{zreportid}Use the Z-Reports endpoints instead. Existing integrations using this endpoint will still be supported.
{ "zreportid": 2, "registerid": "{3CCB9848-155A-49E1-7CA8-5F7F78FC3067}", "manufacturerid": "SITOO3CCB9848155A49E17CA85F7F78FC3067", "registerkey": "SII0000001500001", "registernumber": 1, "datecreated": 1587110959, "dateopened": 1587110444, "eshopid": 1, "store_id": "200", "store_name": "Sitoo Concept Store", "company": "Sitoo", "companyid": "556677-8899", "address": "240 W Broadway", "address2": "", "address3": "New York NY 10012", "currencycode": "USD", "staff": "Staff", "staffuserid": "{441A73D1-5DA7-685D-7E40-445D90C97E9B}", "comment": "", "moneysalestotal": "40463.75", "moneysalestotalnet": "32373.15", "numsales": 3, "numsalesitems": 7, "vatgroupssales": [ { "vatvalue": 6, "moneytotal": "14.98", "moneytotalnet": "14.13", "moneytotalvat": "0.85" }, { "vatvalue": 25, "moneytotal": "40448.77", "moneytotalnet": "32359.02", "moneytotalvat": "8089.75" } ], "productgroupssales": [ { "name": "Books", "vatvalue": 6, "numtotal": 1, "moneytotal": "14.98", "moneytotalnet": "14.13", "moneytotalvat": "0.85" }, { "name": "Common Goods", "vatvalue": 25, "numtotal": 6, "moneytotal": "40448.77", "moneytotalnet": "32359.02", "moneytotalvat": "8089.75" } ], "moneyrefundtotal": "0.00", "moneyrefundtotalnet": "0.00", "numrefund": 0, "numrefunditems": 0, "vatgroupsrefund": [], "productgroupsrefund": [], "moneyroundoff": "0.00", "salestaxessales": [], "salestaxesrefund": [], "moneysummarysales": "40463.75", "moneysummaryrefund": "0.00", "moneysummarysubtotal": "40463.75", "moneysummarysalestax": "0.00", "moneysummaryroundoff": "0.00", "moneysummarytotal": "40463.75", "paymentssales": [ { "name": "Cash", "moneytotal": "28673.75", "subpayments": [] }, { "name": "Gift Card", "moneytotal": "300.00", "subpayments": [] }, { "name": "Other", "moneytotal": "11490.00", "subpayments": [] } ], "paymentsrefund": [], "discountssales": [ { "vouchercode": "", "moneytotal": "20.00", "moneytotalnet": "16.00", "moneytotalvat": "4.00" }, { "vouchercode": "discount-manual", "moneytotal": "100.00", "moneytotalnet": "80.00", "moneytotalvat": "20.00" } ], "discountsrefund": [], "moneycash_in": "31214.11", "moneycash_salesrefunds": "28673.75", "moneycash_petty": "0.00", "moneycash_bank": "-10000.00", "moneycash_expected": "49887.86", "moneycash_counted": "49888.00", "moneycash_diff": "0.14", "moneycash_bankfinal": "0.00", "moneycash_out": "49888.00", "moneydiscount": "120.00", "numsalestypeproduct": 7, "numsalestypeservice": 0, "numsalestypegiftcard": 0, "numreceipts": 3, "numopendrawer": 3, "numpractice": 0, "moneypractice": "0.00", "moneygrandtotalsales": "71807.56", "moneygrandtotalrefund": "0.00", "moneygrandtotalnet": "71807.56"}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns an item of type poszreport. |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Cash register. Point of Sale (POS).
Unique ID for this Cash Register.
Manufacturer ID for this Cash Register used by the Tax Authorities (In Swedish: Tillverkningsnummer).
Key for this Cash Register used by the Tax Authorities (In Swedish: Kassabeteckning).
Company Name.
Company ID.
Address line 1.
Address line 2.
Country ID (ISO 3166-1, alpha-2).
Currency code (ISO 4217, alpha-3).
Language used for receipts printed by the Cash Register (RFC 5646, BCP 47).
The ID for the store setting used by the Cash Register.
The ID for the warehouse used by the Cash Register.
The ID for the salestaxgroup used by the Cash Register.
Z-report for Sitoo POS Cash Register.
ID for this report (report number).
Unique ID for this Cash Register.
Manufacturer ID for this Cash Register.
Key for this Cash Register used by the Tax Authorities and also printed on receipts.
Number for this Cash Register (E.g 1, 2, 3...).
Timestamp for when this report was created.
Timestamp for when the register was opened or null if generated with legacy versions of Sitoo POS.
Eshop ID
Store ID (external ID of the Store in Sitoo)
The name of the store
Company Name.
Company ID.
Address line 1 (street address).
Address line 2 (c/o or similar).
Address line 3 (zip, city and state).
Currency for the report. (ISO 4217, alpha-3 uppercased)
The name of the staff that produced the report.
The user ID for the staff that produced the report.
The comment that the staff entered for the report.
The total gross money value for sales.
The total net money value for sales.
The total number of sales.
The total number of items in sales.
Sales grouped by vat values. See poszreportvatgroup for fields.
Sales grouped by product group. See poszreportproductgroup for fields.
The total gross money value for sales not delivered.
The total net money value for sales not delivered.
The total number of sales where not all items were delivered.
The total number of items in sales not delivered.
Sales not delivered grouped by vat values. See poszreportvatgroup for fields.
Sales not delivered grouped by product group. See poszreportproductgroup for fields.
The total gross money value for refunds.
The total net money value for refunds.
The total number of refunds.
The total number of items in refunds.
Refunds grouped by vat values. See poszreportvatgroup for fields.
Refunds grouped by product group. See poszreportproductgroup for fields.
The total money value for roundoff.
Collected sales taxes for sales grouped by name, code and taxvalue. See poszreportsalestax for fields.
Collected sales taxes for refunds grouped by name, code and taxvalue. See poszreportsalestax for fields.
The total value of sales tax collected for items not delivered (if applicable).
The total money value for sales.
The total money value for refunds.
The sub total money value (moneysummarysales - moneysummaryrefund).
The sub total money value for sales tax.
The total money value for roundoff.
The total money value for the report (moneysummarysubtotal + moneysummarysalestax + moneysummaryroundoff).
All payments for sales. See poszreportpayment for fields.
All payments for refunds. See poszreportpayment for fields.
Discounts grouped by vouchercode for sales. See poszreportdiscount for fields.
Discounts grouped by vouchercode for sales not delivered. See poszreportdiscount for fields.
Discounts grouped by vouchercode for refunds. See poszreportdiscount for fields.
The entered money value for cash in the register when it was opened.
The total amount of cash from sales/refunds for register since it was opened.
The total petty cash change for register since it was opened.
The total banking cash change for register since it was opened.
The calculated money value for cash in the register before it was counted.
The counted money value for cash in the register when closing.
The difference in money value for cash between expected and counted values.
The amount of cash banked after cash had been counted.
The money value for cash in the register after it was closed.
The total money amount for discounts of sales (incl. VAT). For discount details see discountssales and discountsrefund.
The total number of items of type "product".
The total number of items of type "service".
The total number of items of type "gift card".
The total number of receipts.
The total number of time the cash register drawer was opened (except for normal transactions).
The total number of transactions made in practice mode.
The total money value of transactions made in practice mode.
The total money value for sales since the start of the cash register.
The total money value for refunds since the start of the cash register.
The summary total money value since the start of the cash register (moneygrandtotalsales - moneygrandtotalrefund).
Contains the discount details for a poszreport.
The vouchercode of the discount group.
The total gross money value for the discount group.
The total net money value for the discount group.
The total vat money value for the discount group.
Contains the payment details for a poszreport.
The name of the payment.
The total money value of the payment.
The amount captured for the payment. The difference between total and captured is the reserved amount.
The amount captured for the payment for items that were not delivered at the time of purchase (payment in advance).
The reserved amount.
A specification of different payments within the payment type (if applicable). See poszreportsubpayment for fields.
Contains the product group details for a poszreport.
The name of the product group.
The vat value for the product group.
The total number of items for the product group.
The total gross money value for the product group.
The total net money value for the product group.
The total vat money value for the product group.
Contains the sales tax details for a poszreport.
The name of the sales tax.
An identifier that can be used to specify the sales tax.
A custom value to make it easier to export to external systems.
The region of the salestaxgroup this salestax item belongs to.
The total sales the collected tax is calculated on. (ie. the sales with no tax)
The total net money value for this sales tax.
The tax value in percent.
Contains the details for a sub payment of poszreportpayment.
The name of the sub payment.
The money value of the sub payment.
The amount captured for the payment. The difference between total and captured is the reserved amount.
The amount captured for the payment for items that were not delivered at the time of purchase (payment in advance).
The reserved amount.
Contains the VAT details for a poszreport.
Number of seconds since the Unix Epoch.