Warehouse Transactions
Get Warehouse Transactions
get /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousetransactions.jsonFilter on warehousetransactionid, use comma as separator for multiple values.
Filter on warehousetransactions with id higher than or equal to the value provided
Filter on warehousetransactions with id lower than the value provided
Filter on warehousetransactions with datecreated starting from the timestamp provided
Filter on warehousetransactions with datecreated ending before the timestamp provided
Filter on transactiontype.
The index of the item to start from
The number of items returned
Sort the result.
- warehousetransactionid
- -warehousetransactionid
Comma separated list of fields to return. Use this to query only the fields you are using. See warehousetransaction for all fields.
Returns an envelope with items of type warehousetransaction for a warehouse.
{ "totalcount": 16, "items": [ { "warehousetransactionid": 18, "warehouseid": 1, "datecreated": 1559046593, "transactiontype": 10, "description": "Move In", "orderdeliveryid": null, "shipmentid": null, "externalid": "EXTID2", "reasoncode": null, "items": [ { "decimalquantity": "13.000", "decimaltotal": "13.000", "moneypricein": "3.45", "moneytotal": "44.85", "moneyvalue": "44.85", "sku": "Q100" } ] }, { "warehousetransactionid": 16, "warehouseid": 1, "datecreated": 1550669776, "transactiontype": 50, "description": "Stocktaking has been completed!", "orderdeliveryid": null, "shipmentid": null, "externalid": null, "reasoncode": null, "items": [ { "decimalquantity": "-1.000", "decimaltotal": "9.000", "moneypricein": "0.00", "moneytotal": "35280.00", "moneyvalue": "-3920.00", "sku": "10038-1" } ] } ]}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns an envelope with items of type warehousetransaction for a warehouse. |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Get Warehouse Transaction
get /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousetransactions/{warehousetransactionid}.json{ "warehousetransactionid": 16, "warehouseid": 1, "datecreated": 1550669776, "transactiontype": 50, "description": "Stocktaking has been completed!", "orderdeliveryid": null, "shipmentid": null, "externalid": null, "reasoncode": null, "items": [ { "decimalquantity": "-1.000", "decimaltotal": "9.000", "moneypricein": "0.00", "moneytotal": "35280.00", "moneyvalue": "-3920.00", "sku": "10038-1" } ]}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns an item of type warehousetransaction. |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Batch Add Warehouse Transactions
post /sites/{siteid}/warehousetransactions.jsonThis functions allows multiple transactions to be sent at once, like in the example below. For each item sent in an array a response is returned.NOTE! Transactions cannot be added to warehouses with warehousetype Virtual (20).NOTE 2! The maximum number of items allowed for one request to this endpoint is 1000.
[ { "warehouseid": 2, "transactiontype": 20, "description": "Move Out", "externalid": "EXTID1", "reasoncode": null, "items": [ { "sku": "Q100", "decimalquantity": "-13.000" } ] }, { "warehouseid": 1, "transactiontype": 10, "description": "Move In", "externalid": "EXTID2", "reasoncode": null, "items": [ { "sku": "Q100", "decimalquantity": "13.000", "moneypricein": "3.45" } ] }]
[ { "statuscode": 200, "return": 17 }, { "statuscode": 200, "return": 18 }]
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns warehousetransactionid or a batch envelope if multiple transactions were added |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Get All Warehouse Transactions
get /sites/{siteid}/warehousetransactions.jsonFilter on warehousetransactionid, use comma as separator for multiple values.
Filter on warehousetransactions with id higher than or equal to the value provided
Filter on warehousetransactions with id lower than the value provided
Filter on warehousetransactions with datecreated starting from the timestamp provided
Filter on warehousetransactions with datecreated ending before the timestamp provided
Filter on warehouseid
Filter on transactiontype.
The index of the item to start from
The number of items returned
Sort the result.
- warehousetransactionid
- -warehousetransactionid
Comma separated list of fields to return. Use this to query only the fields you are using. See warehousetransaction for all fields.
{ "totalcount": 16, "items": [ { "warehousetransactionid": 16, "warehouseid": 1, "datecreated": 1550669776, "transactiontype": 50, "description": "Stocktaking has been completed!", "orderdeliveryid": null, "shipmentid": null, "externalid": null, "reasoncode": null, "items": [ { "decimalquantity": "-1.000", "decimaltotal": "9.000", "moneypricein": "0.00", "moneytotal": "35280.00", "moneyvalue": "-3920.00", "sku": "10038-1" } ] }, { "warehousetransactionid": 15, "warehouseid": 2, "datecreated": 1606817252, "transactiontype": 30, "description": "", "orderdeliveryid": 13, "shipmentid": null, "externalid": null, "reasoncode": null, "items": [ { "decimalquantity": "-1.000", "decimaltotal": "-1.000", "moneypricein": "0.00", "moneytotal": "0.00", "moneyvalue": "0.00", "sku": "10038-2" }, { "decimalquantity": "-2.000", "decimaltotal": "-2.000", "moneypricein": "0.00", "moneytotal": "0.00", "moneyvalue": "0.00", "sku": "83428-0" }, { "decimalquantity": "-1.000", "decimaltotal": "-1.000", "moneypricein": "0.00", "moneytotal": "0.00", "moneyvalue": "0.00", "sku": "83537-0" } ] }, { "warehousetransactionid": 14, "warehouseid": 1, "datecreated": 1463041119, "transactiontype": 40, "description": "", "orderdeliveryid": 11, "shipmentid": null, "externalid": null, "reasoncode": null, "items": [ { "decimalquantity": "1.000", "decimaltotal": "8.000", "moneypricein": "0.00", "moneytotal": "7024.00", "moneyvalue": "878.00", "sku": "44079-0" } ] } ]}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns an envelope with items of type warehousetransaction. |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Number of seconds since the Unix Epoch.
Log item that belongs to a warehousetransaction (ie. has a product's stock count and value for a transaction).
The change of stock in this transaction.
The stock level after this transaction.
The purchase price per item for this transaction (Not applicable for all transaction types).
The value of this stock after this transaction.
The sum value of this itemlog entry. (The warehouse value changed).
The SKU for this stock item.
All changes to a warehouse is made using transactions.
The unique ID of the warehousetransaction.
The ID of the warehouse that this warehousetransaction belongs to.
The date when the transaction was created.
The type of the transaction. (Sales, Refund and StockTaking are read only)
A description of the transaction.
The ID for the order delivery that created this transaction (if applicable, otherwise null).
The ID for the shipment that created this transaction (if applicable, otherwise null). This property will only be set when using Shipments v2. The ID for transaction created from Shipments v3 will be added to the externalid
property instead.
External ID for the warehouse transaction (if applicable, otherwise null). This property will be used by Shipments v3 service to store the ID of the shipment that created this warehouse transaction.
A reason code for the warehouse transaction (if applicable, otherwise null).
Array of warehouseitemlog.
Holds a value of type string or an integer depending on statuscode