Prices and Campaigns
In this guide we will go through the integration of price lists, prices and campaigns in Sitoo.
Price Lists
Sitoo POS handles multiple price lists. If a product exists in multiple price lists, the lowest price (best for customer) is selected. Pricelists can also be tagged which allows price lists to be specified for certain campaigns or stores. Price list items can be added in batches with SKU as the key.
Multiple Price Lists
Note! To be able to use multiple price lists, it is required that all your prices are stored including VAT. This is not a problem for customers that are new to Sitoo, but if you have been using Sitoo for a long time, you may have to prepare your system to activate this feature. If you are unsure of your setting for this, you can have an administrator go into the backoffice and check the setting Storing of Product Prices on the Settings / General page.
Important Price List Fields (POST/PUT)
Property | Description |
pricelistname | Price list name |
active | If set to false then the price list will be deactivated |
externalid | External ID of price list |
currencycode | Currency of the price list (ISO 4217, alpha-3 uppercased) |
tags | The tags for this price list. Tags can be used to only apply the price list for certain stores or campaigns |
Default Price List
All products in the Sitoo system have prices set in the default price list. The default price lists always has
the pricelistid
value of 1. The default price list cannot be deleted.
See the Price Lists endpoints for more information.
Prices are set using price list items. The key for price list item can be either productid
or sku
. Example setting
the prices of two products using the Batch Set Price List Items
[ { "sku": "36305-1", "moneyprice": "795.00" }, { "sku": "36401-1", "moneyprice": "895.00" }]
Default Product Prices
If the field moneyprice
is provided for the POST/PUT endpoints for products, then the value will set the price list
item for the default price list. If the field moneyprice
is not provided, the price in the default price list will be
) until it has been set.
Zero-priced Products
When a product has the price set to zero("0.00"
), the POS will treat it as a product that needs to have a price set by
the teller and will display a dialog asking for the price that the product should be sold for. This can be useful in
various cases, e.g. when selling gift cards with custom value on them.
Vouchers are used to set up campaigns in Sitoo. The key property for a voucher is voucherid
. Vouchers are grouped into
the following types where the group type is implicit from the vochertype
Order Vouchers
The voucher is applied to the entire purchase with some exceptions
- OrderDiscountM Money discount proportionally distributed on all items in purchase
- OrderDiscountX Percentage discount on all items in purchase
- OrderBuyForMGetDiscountN Buy for M (money) get N discount (money)
Product Vouchers
The voucher is applied to the products that are connected to it
- ProductDiscountM Money discount per product
- ProductDiscountX Percentage discount per product
- ProductBuyXForPriceM Buy X (quantity) for M (money)
- ProductBuyXPayForY Buy X (quantity) pay for Y (quantity)
- ProductBuyXPayForYDiscountZRest Buy X (quantity) pay for Y (quantity) and get rest at discount Z (percentage)
- ProductBuyMinXDiscountY Buy minimum X (quantity) and get discount Y (percentage)
- ProductBuyXGetDiscountList Buy X (quantity) get discounts in list
- ProductBuy3For2Or2For1AndAHalf Buy 3, pay for 2, or buy 2, pay for 1.5
Package Vouchers
The voucher is applied to a specific combination of products in a package
- PackageBuyForPriceM Buy product package for M (money)
Price List Vouchers
The voucher activates certain price lists
- PricelistActivate Activate price lists with selected tags
Important Voucher Fields (POST/PUT)
Depending on the voucher type used, the correct variables need to be set, e.g. Using ProductDiscountM, the value_m
needs to be set with the money value that should be discounted.
Property | Description |
activepos | Set to false to deactivate voucher. Should only be used temporarily. If the voucher is never to be used again, then it should be deleted instead |
vouchercode | Code used for grouping vouchers in reports and stats |
voucherpassword | If set, the voucher will be locked with this password |
vouchername | Name of this voucher |
datestart | If set, the voucher will not be active until this date |
dateend | If set, the voucher will stop being active at this date |
tags | If set, then the voucher will only be applied for stores with any of tag set for the voucher |
vouchertype | The Voucher Type (See above for details) |
value_x, value_y, value_z, money_m, money_n, vouchername1, vouchercode1, vouchername2, vouchercode2 | Variables used depending on the vouchertype |
maxuses | The maximum number of times the voucher can be applied for a single purchase |
priority | The priority of the voucher where 1 is highest and 5 is lowest (default is 3) |
pricelisttags | These tags are used to activate price lists with the same tags (Only used for vouchertype PricelistActivate ) |
productoptions | Array of voucherproductoption. Each option of the array must be fulfilled for the voucher to be applied. voucherproductoption (Only used for vouchertype PackageBuyForPriceM ) |
discountoptions | Array of voucherdiscountoption. Each discount option can be used if the products required have been added to the cart. (Only used for vouchertype ProductBuyXGetDiscountList ) |
See the Vouchers endpoints for more information.
Influencers can be used to help sales in Sitoo Retail Platform by giving out a unique code to each influencer. The code
then redeemed by a follower in Sitoo POS to activate a campaign locked by a voucher password. The usage of the
influencer codes can then be tracked in real-time. The key property for an influencercode is code
and is also used in
Important Influencer Code Fields (POST/PUT)
Property | Description |
code | The unique influencer code. Can only contain [0-9a-zA-Z&_-.] |
name | The name of the influencer for this code. Displayed on the receipt printed by the POS |
active | Set to false to deactivate this influencer code |
datestart | The date used for the activation of this influencer code. No activation date if value is null |
dateend | The date used for the expiration of this influencer code. No expiration date if value is null |
voucherpassword | The password used for unlocking the voucher |
vouchercode | Value used to override vouchercode in the voucher applied for the purchase, or null to leave original value |
vouchername | Value used to override vouchername in the voucher applied for the purchase, or null to leave original value |
vouchercomment | Value used to override vouchercomment in voucher the voucher applied for the purchase, or null to leave original value |
maxuses | The maximum times the influencer code can be used or null for unlimited use |
See the Influencer Codes endpoints for more information.
Influencer Vouchers
To integrate the use of Influencers with another system, the Influencer Vouchers endpoints can be used to maintain the tracking at one place.
See the Influencer Vouchers endpoints for more information.