Sitoo CRM SPI v1

This version has been deprecated in favor of SPI CRM v2. Existing integrations using SPI CRM v1 will still be supported.


Sitoo Custom CRM SPI is used to integrate an external CRM in Sitoo POS. The external CRM will get full control on how customers are added, updated and viewed in Sitoo POS. Furthermore Sitoo POS will enable customers to redeem promotions and bonus checks and after every completed transaction the external CRM will get a copy of the transaction.

SPI (Service Provider Interface)

The SPI is the definition of the API required to use the service in Sitoo. Therefore, the external service needs to fully implement the API definition.

Real-time requests

Requests are made in real-time from Sitoo POS. It is important to have very low response times. Sitoo POS has an internal timeout of 10 seconds, but in general response times should never exceed 1 second.

Test Cases

Integration with Sitoo Custom CRM, requires you to validate your API implementation using the Test Cases.