Get Plugin Settings
get /sites/{site_id}/plugins/{plugin_id}/settings.jsonEndpoint for reading settings for a plugin in Sitoo. The plugin_id
parameter indicates which plugin to get settings for.
Site ID. (Use eshopid
of the site for this parameter).
Successful. Returns a specific PluginSettings object depending on the plugin ID.
{ "id": "taxfree", "active": false}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Successful. Returns a specific PluginSettings object depending on the plugin ID. |
400 | Invalid request. Data sent from client is invalid. |
401 | Missing or bad authentication. |
403 | User is not authorized to perform operation. |
404 | The specified resource was not found. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Update Plugin Settings
put /sites/{site_id}/plugins/{plugin_id}/settings.jsonEndpoint for updating settings for a plugin in Sitoo. The plugin_id
parameter indicates which plugin to update settings for. Please note that the endpoint will accept a partial object to update only the properties that are sent in the request (like a PATCH). Also note that a call to this endpoint will automatically trigger data synchronisation for all POS clients that are connected to the site, and therefore it is recommended to only a request for it when there is an actual change needed.
Site ID. (Use eshopid
of the site for this parameter).
Object containing a specific object depending on the plugin ID.
{ "id": "taxfree", "active": false}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Successful. Returns true. |
400 | Invalid request. Data sent from client is invalid. |
401 | Missing or bad authentication. |
403 | User is not authorized to perform operation. |
404 | The specified resource was not found. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
A status code for the error. Usually HTTP status code.
A textual description of the error.
An optional internal code for the error.
Settings for Adyen API.
The plugin ID for this object (adyenapi
Merchant Account in Adyen.
Key Identifier for encrypted communication with Adyen Terminal API.
Key Passphrase for encrypted communication with Adyen Terminal API. If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
Key Version for encrypted communication with Adyen Terminal API.
Boolean indicating whether to run Adyen Terminal API in test mode.
Settings for Adyen Tap to Pay.
The plugin ID for this object (adyentaptopay
Merchant Account in Adyen.
Key for Adyen API. If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
URL prefix for Adyen API. It can be found from the API URL received from Adyen e.g "[your-prefix]".
Boolean indicating whether to run Adyen Tap to Pay in test mode.
Settings for CTU Norway.
The plugin ID for this object (ctunorway
The registered company identification number for Norway.
Name of tax responsible company.
Currency code for the transactions (ISO 4217, alpha-3 uppercased).
VAT Number in Norway if applicable. (Organization number from The Brønnøysund Register Centre followed by "MVA", e.g. 999999999MVA).
The tax country code. Use "NO" for Norway.
Date for start of the first fiscal year for the company (used to calculate the current fiscal year for the report).
Date for start of the second fiscal year for the company (used to calculate the current fiscal year for the report).
Settings for CTU Portugal.
The plugin ID for this object (ctuportugal
The name of the commercial registry office and the commercial registration number, separated by a space. When there is no commercial registration, the Tax Registration Number shall be inserted.
The Portuguese Tax Identification Number/Tax Registration Number without spaces and without country prefixes.
Social designation of the company name.
Street name, building number and floor, if applicable.
Postal Code.
Currency code for the transactions (ISO 4217, alpha-3 uppercased).
The establishment the produced file refers to, if applicable.
The tax country region.
PT |
Date for start of the first fiscal year for the company (used to calculate the current fiscal year for the report).
Date for start of the second fiscal year for the company (used to calculate the current fiscal year for the report).
Settings for Gift Card Service Provider Interface (SPI).
The plugin ID for this object (customgiftcard
Base URL for the handler of the SPI. Relative paths to API endpoints will be appended to it in requests.
API Token (basic authentication header) for the SPI (e.g. Authorization: Basic <api_key>
). If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
Settings for Payment Service Provider Interface (SPI) and POS UI.
The plugin ID for this object (custompayment
Base URL for the handler of the SPI. Relative paths to API endpoints will be appended to it in requests.
API Token (basic authentication header) for the SPI (e.g. Authorization: Basic <api_key>
). If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
Sitoo resource ID for the large icon used for the payment type. Needs to be in PNG-format with the size 940x210 pixels.
Sitoo resource ID for the small icon used for the payment type. Needs to be in PNG-format with the size 240x240 pixels.
Background color used for the large icon. The color is sent in hexadecimal format.
Background color used for the small icon. The color is sent in hexadecimal format.
Array of customer information collected for the payment before the payment transaction is started (the reason for it being array is to be able to add new customer information fields in the future).
Mobile phone number
mobile |
Settings for External Product Search Service Provider Interface (SPI).
The plugin ID for this object (customproductsearch
Base URL for the handler of the SPI. Relative paths to API endpoints will be appended to it in requests.
API Token (basic authentication header) for the SPI (e.g. Authorization: Basic <api_key>
). If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
Settings for FreedomPay
The plugin ID for this object (freedompay
The default store ID in FreedomPay. Together with terminal_id
, this serves as user credentials. Can be
overridden in store_settings
The default terminal ID in FreedomPay. Together with store_id
, this serves as user credentials. Can be
overridden in store_settings
Also known as the Extended Security Key, it is an application key or credential that is managed in the FreedomPay Enterprise Portal. If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
Default language (tag) used for parts of the receipt originating from the FreedomPay terminal; may be overridden by the language specified by a card.
bg |
da |
de |
el |
en |
en_AU |
en_CA |
es |
es_ES |
es_MX |
et |
fi |
fr_CA |
fr |
fr_FR |
hr |
hu |
is |
it |
lb |
lt |
lv |
mt |
nb |
nl |
nl_BE |
no |
pl |
pt |
ro |
sk |
sl |
sv |
Boolean indicating whether to run FreedomPay in test mode.
If transaction amount is greater than this value, it will automatically receive an offline decline if the terminal is unable to go online. Must be greater than or equal to zero. A value of zero disables offline transactions.
Prevents the terminal from accepting transactions when no successful online transaction has been made for X number of days. A value of zero disables offline transactions.
Overridable FreedomPay settings for stores.
Overridable FreedomPay settings for stores.
Store ID (external ID of the Store in Sitoo)
The store ID in FreedomPay. Together with terminal_id
, this serves as user credentials.
Together with store_id
, this serves as user credentials.
Boolean indicating whether to run FreedomPay in test mode.
Settings for Givex.
The plugin ID for this object (givex
The user ID used for the connection to Givex.
The password used for the connection to Givex. If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
The primary host to use for the connection to Givex.
The secondary host to use for the connection to Givex.
Boolean to activate extended logging for the Givex proxy.
ID for a plugin settings object, mapping as follows:
Settings for Klarna v3.
The plugin ID for this object (klarnav3
User Name for Klarna API connection.
Password for Klarna API connection. If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
Region for Klarna.
North Americaoceania
europe |
north-america |
oceania |
Profile for Klarna user interface.
QR code or SMS touchpad - targeting buyer4baf6592-2675-4ed7-93cc-783b8f73de5e
SMS touchpad or QR code - targeting buyer78417431-3bf2-456e-9f18-95c3313db874
Input field for SMS or Email - targeting sellere205530c-37b5-4843-a228-871b5fd80c97
Input field for SMS - targeting seller
ac0ef585-b1b1-4951-ab0f-f250f44f6b08 |
4baf6592-2675-4ed7-93cc-783b8f73de5e |
78417431-3bf2-456e-9f18-95c3313db874 |
e205530c-37b5-4843-a228-871b5fd80c97 |
Profile for Klarna user interface in self checkout.
QR code or SMS touchpad - targeting buyer4baf6592-2675-4ed7-93cc-783b8f73de5e
SMS touchpad or QR code - targeting buyer
ac0ef585-b1b1-4951-ab0f-f250f44f6b08 |
4baf6592-2675-4ed7-93cc-783b8f73de5e |
Boolean indicating if Klarna should be run in test mode using playground URLs.
Settings for Nets BAXI log feature.
The plugin ID for this object (netsbaxilogs
The region where the S3 bucket resides.
The name of the bucket where log files will be uploaded.
The Access Key ID for S3 authentication.
The Access Key Secret for S3 authentication. If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
Format for the path where uploaded files will be stored.
/\<Account ID>/\<Register Key>account-store-register
/\<Account ID>/\<Store External ID>/\<Register Key>
account-register |
account-store-register |
URL when using a provider other than AWS that offers an S3 compatible service. Leave blank for using S3 on AWS.
Settings for Nets Currency Conversion feature.
The plugin ID for this object (netscurrencyconversion
Nets payment types to configure currency conversion for.
ID for a Sitoo POS payment using method Nets (2200
Currency that the payment will be converted to and sent to Nets for this payment type (ISO 4217, alpha-3 uppercased).
Nets BAX-number (merchant account) connected to this payment option.
Settings for Nosto product recommendations.
The plugin ID for this object (nosto
Authentication token for requests to Nosto Apps API (using GraphQL). If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
Boolean to decide if requests to Nosto Apps API (GraphQL) should be recorded or not (using header X-Nosto-Ignore
Settings for POS Product Search feature.
The plugin ID for this object (productsearch
Activates external product search functionality to achieve endless aisle by integrating products from an external source in the POS. This feature requires a setup of and implementation of the Sitoo Product Search SPI.
Activate functionality to have barcode scanner also make an external product search and add to the cart.
Title for the external product search in the POS. Maximum length is 16 characters.
Filters to use in local search for the POS. If no filters are selected here, the default filters in the POS will be Categories, Brands, In Stock and In Campaign.
ID for the filter (refers to custom product attribute ID). System IDs for built-in filters:
Filter on categoriessystem_brands
Filter on brands (manufacturers)system_in_stock
Filter for products in stocksystem_in_campaign
Filter products that have an active campaign
If set, then this will be the title to be used for the filter. If set to null, then name of custom attribute or localized system filter name will be used.
Type of filter.
Drop list with 1 optionmulti-enum
Drop list with multiple optionsbool
Boolean value (on/off)
Settings for Retain24 gift card provider.
The plugin ID for this object (retain24
The public certificate used to connect to Retain24.
The private certificate used to connect to Retain24. If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
The Retain24 template identifier to be used for gift cards delivered by printout.
The Retain24 template identifier to be used for gift cards delivered by email.
The Retain24 template identifier to be used for gift cards delivered by SMS.
The Retain24 template identifier to be used for credit notes delivered by printout.
Boolean indicating if Retain24 should be run in test mode using "pilot"-server instead of "live".
Settings for POS Self Checkout feature.
The plugin ID for this object (selfcheckout
Activate self checkout functionality in POS.
Sitoo User ID for the staff user that will be logged on when running self checkout in POS.
Sitoo resource ID for the logotype image to be used for self checkout.
Background color used for self checkout. The color is sent in hexadecimal format.
Text color used for self checkout. The color is sent in hexadecimal format.
An array of Sitoo product IDs that will be used to present featured products (e.g. bags) in self checkout.
Specific object depending on the plugin ID. See PluginId for mapping.
- PluginAdyenApi
- PluginAdyenTapToPay
- PluginCtuNorway
- PluginCtuPortugal
- PluginCustomGiftCard
- PluginCustomPayment
- PluginCustomProductSearch
- PluginFreedomPay
- PluginGivex
- PluginKlarnaV3
- PluginNetsBaxiLogs
- PluginNetsCurrencyConversion
- PluginNosto
- PluginProductSearch
- PluginRetain24
- PluginSelfCheckout
- PluginSwish
- PluginSwitchboard
- PluginTaxFree
- PluginZebra
Settings for Swish.
The plugin ID for this object (swish
Swish-number for the recipient of the payment (e.g. 12345678).
Message sent with payments to be shown in the Swish app (Max 50 characters).
Message sent with refunds to be shown in the Swish app. The string can contain the replacement tag {refundedid}
(Max 50 characters in total after replacement has been done, might be truncated).
The minimum amount required for Swish payment to be available to use. A null value will not enforce a limit.
If selected, Swish is activated as payment method for self checkout.
The public certificate used to connect to Swish.
The private certificate used to connect to Swish. If a secret has been set, the returned value will be "****".
Switchboard for selecting handler for gift cards and product recommendations.
The plugin ID for this object (switchboard
Gift card provider to be used.
Sitoo Gift Cardscustomgiftcard
Gift Card Service Provider Interface (SPI)givex
giftcardsitoo |
customgiftcard |
givex |
retain24 |
Product recommendations provider to be used (this feature has been deprecated in favor of the Product Recommendations SPI).
Sitoo Recommendations (using Sitoo related products)nosto
recommendationssitoo |
nosto |
Settings for Tax Free Service Provider Interface (SPI).
The plugin ID for this object (taxfree
Activates external tax free functionality. This feature requires a setup of and implementation of the Sitoo Tax Free SPI.
Settings for Zebra label printing.
The plugin ID for this object (zebra
Array of Zebra templates to be used when printing labels.
The ID for the template, must be unique within the array.
The name of the template to be displayed in user interfaces.
The type of template for the label.
Product label20
Address label
The template data that the Zebra Printer uses to print the label, configured using the Zebra Programming Language (ZPL).
Number of seconds since the Unix Epoch.