Add Shipment
post /shipmentsThis endpoint has been deprecated in favor of the Shipments v3 service. Existing integrations using this endpoint will be supported until further notice.
{ "shipmentstate": 10, "comment": "New shipment", "receiver_warehouseid": 1, "receiver_name": "City Concept Store", "carrier_name": "DHL", "carrier_reference": "123456789", "shipmentpackages": [ { "shipmentpackageid": 1, "barcode": "123456789" } ], "shipmentitems": [ { "shipmentitemid": 1, "shipmentpackageid": 1, "sku": "sku-1", "productname": "Product 1", "quantity": 150, "externalid": "12345-1" }, { "shipmentitemid": 2, "shipmentpackageid": 1, "sku": "sku-2", "productname": "Product 2", "quantity": 80, "externalid": "12345-2" } ]}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns shipmentid |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Get Shipments
get /shipmentsThis endpoint has been deprecated in favor of the Shipments v3 service. Existing integrations using this endpoint will be supported until further notice.
Filter on shipmentid, use comma as separator for multiple values.
Filter on warehouseid
for sender or receiver. Note that if this filter is used, then the sender_warehouseid
and receiver_warehouseid
filters are ignored. Use comma as separator for multiple values.
Filter on warehouseid
for sender. Use comma as separator for multiple values.
Filter on warehouseid
for receiver. Use comma as separator for multiple values.
The index of the item to start from
The number of items returned
Comma separated list of fields to return. Use this to query only the fields you are using. See shipment for all fields.
{ "totalcount": 2, "items": [ { "shipmentid": 10000, "shipmentstate": 0, "externalid": "", "datenew": 1520757947, "dateintransit": null, "datereceived": null, "datecancelled": null, "dateestimatedpickup": null, "dateestimateddelivery": null, "sender_warehouseid": null, "sender_name": "Central Warehouse", "receiver_warehouseid": 1, "receiver_name": "City Concept Store", "carrier_name": "DHL", "carrier_reference": "52254195678" }, { "shipmentid": 10001, "shipmentstate": 10, "externalid": "", "datenew": 1520759003, "dateintransit": 1520774467, "datereceived": null, "datecancelled": null, "dateestimatedpickup": null, "dateestimateddelivery": null, "sender_warehouseid": null, "sender_name": "Central Warehouse", "receiver_warehouseid": 1, "receiver_name": "City Concept Store", "carrier_name": "DHL", "carrier_reference": "52254191234" } ]}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns an envelope with items of type shipment. |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Get Shipment
get /shipments/{shipmentid}This endpoint has been deprecated in favor of the Shipments v3 service. Existing integrations using this endpoint will be supported until further notice.
{ "shipmentid": 10002, "shipmentstate": 10, "archived": false, "externalid": "", "barcode": "", "comment": "New shipment", "emailowner": "", "emailreceivedby": "", "datenew": 1550669772, "dateintransit": 1550669772, "datereceived": null, "datecancelled": null, "dateestimatedpickup": null, "dateestimateddelivery": null, "sender_warehouseid": null, "sender_name": "", "sender_address": "", "sender_address2": "", "sender_zip": "", "sender_city": "", "sender_state": "", "sender_countryid": "", "sender_referencename": "", "sender_referenceemail": "", "sender_referencemobile": "", "sender_instructions": "", "receiver_warehouseid": 1, "receiver_name": "City Concept Store", "receiver_address": "", "receiver_address2": "", "receiver_zip": "", "receiver_city": "", "receiver_state": "", "receiver_countryid": "", "receiver_referencename": "", "receiver_referenceemail": "", "receiver_referencemobile": "", "receiver_instructions": "", "carrier_name": "DHL", "carrier_reference": "123456789", "carrier_trackingurl": "", "shipmentpackages": [ { "shipmentpackageid": 1, "barcode": "123456789", "externalid": "", "comment": "" } ], "shipmentitems": [ { "shipmentitemid": 1, "shipmentpackageid": 1, "sku": "sku-1", "productname": "Product 1", "unitlabel": "", "decimalunitquantity": null, "quantity": 150, "quantityreceived": 0, "moneypricein": null, "externalid": "12345-1" }, { "shipmentitemid": 2, "shipmentpackageid": 1, "sku": "sku-2", "productname": "Product 2", "unitlabel": "", "decimalunitquantity": null, "quantity": 80, "quantityreceived": 0, "moneypricein": null, "externalid": "12345-2" } ]}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns an item of type shipment. |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Update Shipment
put /shipments/{shipmentid}This endpoint has been deprecated in favor of the Shipments v3 service. Existing integrations using this endpoint will be supported until further notice.
{ "shipmentstate": 20, "comment": "Received at Store"}
HTTP Status Code Summary | |
200 | Returns true |
400 | Bad Request. Invalid syntax, missing required argument or invalid request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Authorization failed. |
404 | Resource not found. The url is invalid. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
A shipment is the object used for handling shipments in Sitoo systems. Shipments are common to all sites.
ID of shipment in Sitoo.
State of shipment.
Flag indicating archived shipment.
External ID for shipment.
Barcode used to identify this shipment. Needs to have a unique value.
Comment for the shipment.
The email of the owner of the shipment.
The email of the person responsible for processing the received shipment.
The date and time when the shipment was created.
The date and time when the shipment was set to shipmentstate InTransit. (If null, the state has never been set)
The date and time when the shipment was set to shipmentstate Received. (If null, the state has never been set)
The date and time when the shipment was set to shipmentstate Cancelled. (If null, the state has never been set)
The estimated date and time for pickup from sender or null if not set.
The estimated date and time for delivery to receiver or null if not set.
The warehouseid in Sitoo for sender or null if not applicable.
The name of the sender.
Address for the sender.
Address 2 for the sender.
Zip for the sender.
City for the sender.
State for the sender.
Country ID for the sender (2-letter ISO 3166).
Reference name for the sender.
Reference email for the sender.
Reference mobile phone for the sender.
Instructions for the sender.
The warehouseid in Sitoo for receiver or null if not applicable.
The name of the receiver.
Address for the receiver.
Address 2 for the receiver.
Zip for the receiver.
City for the receiver.
State for the receiver.
Country ID for the receiver (2-letter ISO 3166).
Reference name for the receiver.
Reference email for the receiver.
Reference mobile phone for the receiver.
Instructions for the receiver.
The name of the carrier.
The carrier reference for the shipment.
The carrier tracking url for the shipment.
The packages in this shipment. An array of shipmentpackage.
The items in this shipment. An array of shipmentitem.
A shipment item is a row contained in a shipment. Can be grouped in shipmentpackage.
Row ID for shipment item.
Reference to shipment package that this item belongs to.
The SKU for this shipment item.
The name of the product in this shipment item.
Unit (typically left blank) (e g "kg").
Unit quantity if applicable, else null.
The number of units in this shipment item.
The number of units received for this shipment.
The purchase price per unit for this shipment item or null. If entered it can be used for the warehouse stock transaction resulting from the shipment.
External ID for shipment item (if applicable).
A shipment package is an optional grouping of shipmentitem in a shipment.
ID of shipment package in Sitoo.
Barcode used to identify this package. Needs to have a unique value.
External ID for package.
Comment for package.
Number of seconds since the Unix Epoch.