Shipments v3 Release Notes



  • New parameter update_unit_prices added for action remove-stock, used to update the unit prices in the shipment with the actual values from the warehouse transaction performed by the action (Add Shipment Action).
  • Updated handling of shipments containing too much data.
  • Updated handling of too many filter parameters for the Get Shipments Endpoint.
  • Fixed bug where package ID list was not returned in response for the Get Shipment Actions Endpoint


  • New state for action set-state, closed-incomplete to handle the case of setting a reason code for the shipment not being fully received.
  • Reason code can now be added to a set-state action.
  • Shipment action property received-items renamed to received_items to conform with standards.
  • New filter include_packages for Get Shipments Endpoint, used for including packages in the response. Is by default set to false. This was added to decrease the data load on requests not requiring the actual package & items data.
  • New action type remove-stock with optional property warehouse ID, used for removing stock from an origin warehouse and transition the shipment to state packed. This was added to have the option of not performing a warehouse transaction removing stock from the origin warehouse if not required.
  • Changes to solve performance issues with pagination:
  • Shipment Action initial_shipment property added for create action type to be able to retrace the entire history of changes for a shipment.
  • Domain for service changed to to conform with standards.
  • The update-package action type changed from full-update to partial-update to allow setting properties like package barcode and other info on package between states packed and in-transit.
  • Shipment closed_state_reason_code property added for easy access to the reason for a shipment being closed even though not fully received.
  • Shipment total_package_count and total_item_quantity added


  • Automatic ID generation for shipments changed to a more human-readable format.


  • The actions property of the shipment has been removed. Actions are now requested at a separate endpoint.
  • New endpoint



  • Beta Release